Love Language Quiz
As mother and daughter open your Dear Daughter Journals to page 4 and 5, with the titles "My Love Language" and "Mom's Love Language". Then proceed to start the Love Language Quiz and take it together. You will both write down which of each screens options would make you "feel most loved". Write down the corresponding letter. Answer each slide until the final page. Then tally up your letters to reveal your top love language.
Don't skip the next step! After you've show each other your top love languages, take a moment and under the "ways I feel loved by you" section write down ways you think the other person could show you love using your top love languages. Then follow up in the "ways I could show you love" with ideas or ways in which you could show the other person love in their top love language.
Just the act of writing those ideas down will encourage them more!
Happy loving Friends!