Fulfilling Our Potential on Earth: Setting Goals

“I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don’t set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life.”
–President M. Russell Ballard(Talk given to Salt Lake area young adults, Oct. 18, 1981)
Lastly here are some tips or suggestion I have found helpful when setting goals you could share with your family (some of which you are already doing if you're doing this activity but still good to mention and teach your kids why:
- Write it down. Not only is writing down goals just a good habit it makes them more real, makes you form them into articulate, achievable statements but it also gives you somewhere to return to when you loose focus.
- Tell others. It holds you accountable to have others who know about your goals and studies have shown that sharing your intentions/goals with others increases your chances of accomplishment (by nearly 65% in some cases).
- Set a deadline. Giving yourself a benchmark or deadline to achieve can help you focus when it matters and keep you honest in your efforts.
- Plan in out as step by step as you can. When we write down a goal such as buy a house. It isn't just going to happen simply by writing it down and telling others. You need to write down specific, daily steps you can take to achieve it. For example if you wish to save to buy a house one of the steps you could do would to create a weekly budget for yourself. Then go even further by setting up a specific amount you actually put in your savings each week. Figure out ways to save more or make specific plans on what you will do with any extra money you may come into that year such as bonuses, taxes or more. Think of as many little steps as you can to help you get there.
- Give yourself realistic options. This is called the floor and ceiling effect. This idea suggest that you have optimal goals but you also set lowest level goals. For example if your goal is to become more healthy by exercising everyday, your optimal goal would be something like a one hour, vigorous workout everyday. Your lowest level goal would be 5 min of yoga. So each day you work towards doing your ceiling goal of one hour workout but on those days in which life things get in the way like sickness or busy schedules you can still accomplish your goal of 5 min of yoga and thus keep your habit towards a healthier you.
- Just remember
Hope this FHE plan helps you and your family develop yourselves into the children of God our Heavenly Father set out for.
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