Meet Khadooj
M eet Khadooj.
Khadooj is from Syria and has been here for nearly 2 years. She's been attending English classes and feels fairly confident conversing in English now. She says her biggest desire in life is to raise her sons in a healthy, safe environment. She says that one of the biggest obstacles to adjusting to their new life in the US has been transportation and just learning to "rebuild our lives". When asked what she has come to appreciate about living here she responded "cleanness, peacefulness and freedom". She stated that the AMWA, where she takes sewing classes, has given her family the opportunity to fulfill their hopes and change their lives. I asked her what message she would want to tell those who have purchased one of the aprons she made. Here's what she said:
* "I appreciate you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. I couldn't have done it without your support. Thank you very much." - Kahadooj